Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

PSA and Commercials

1) The difference between a Commercial and a PSA is, Commercial is advertise about the product and PSA is warning people what they should do and what they shouldn't do.

2) 3 things that make a Commercial and PSA memorable is: humor, the hooking lines, and background  music.

3) Two important things that would make a commercial or PSA interesting are that it needs good sound effects, and tones.

Planning Sheet for Advertisement

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The year I was born

  1. Prime Minister: Nguyen Tan Dung
  2. Victoria and Beckham 
  3. Manchester United
  4. The Insider
  5. Back Street Boy
  6. High way and casual style

Are all the information reliable?

Information is sometimes reliable and sometimes not because it depends on where it's come from. EX: If it come from the book, it is reliable.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Go Green Voice Thread

How to search on the internet????????

  1. Only use key words.
  2. If you want to add more, use plus simple.
  3. If you want your searching don't have something bad ex: bar... You use minus simple.
  4. Put quotes around all the words you want to search ex: "teddy bear".
  5. Be specific.
It is important to search on the internet carefully because it will show you the website that you don't want. If you don't the searching ignore your words, put quotes and use plus simple for the information you want to search and you use the minus simple for the words you like. Ex: Some website that have the bad image that we don't want to see.

    Tuesday, September 20, 2011

    Bizzard Facts

    Bizarre Fact #1:
    Did you know...
    The oldest inhabited house in Scotland is the Traquair Castle. The castle has had 27 kings as visitors.

    Bizarre Fact #2:
    Did you know...
    Buckingham Palace has over six hundred rooms.

    Bizarre Fact #3:
    Did you know...
    Central Park located in New York has 125 drinking fountains.

    Information Sources

    Adults, BBC, Books, Brochure, Classmates, Chrome, Clock, Computers, Different places Encyclopedia, Flyer, Google, Library, Magazine, Newspapers, New websites, Online news, People, Pictures, Podcast, Production companies, Projector, Radio, Search engines, Science, Schools, Social network, Songs, Spam, Teachers, Technology, Television

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Why do I learn ICT?

         I'm looking for post the posters or pictures into the internet and typing faster. Now, I don't how to use the software or something that the computer need. After this semester, I want to know how to use them. I want to be good at PowerPoint like how to use the tools and presentation.

           My goal this year is to be good at computer and make a lot of good games for kids to play.